My Reading List
The journey toward authentic and inspirational leadership is the topic of a number of researchers, authors, and leading behaviorists. My approach weaves together the work of many, including:
- Bridges, William. Managing Transitions. Third Edition.
- Brown, Brene’. Dare to Lead. (And, anything else by Brene!)
- Corsaro, Vince. Nine Friends: Maximizing Your Forum.
- Corsaro, Vince. Waking Up: 8 Questions That Will Shift Your Life (Or Help You Do Nothing).
- Dethmer, Jim, Diana Chapman, Kaley Warner Klemp. The 15 Commitments of Conscious Leadership: A new Paradigm for Sustainable Success.
- Hendricks, Gay. The Big Leap: Conquer Your Hidden Fear and Take Life to the Next Level.
- Lencioni, Patrick. The Advantage: Why Organizational Health Trumps Everything in Business.
- McKeown, Les. Predictable Success: Getting Your Organization on the Growth Track-And Keeping It There.
- Sinek, Simon. Leaders Eat Last: Why Some Teams Pull Together and Other Don’t.
What Others Have to Say
- "I thought this stuff was a solution looking for a problem. I was wrong. The skills we learned here will make the difference between success and failure for our company.” (CEO, Telecom Company)
- “I am much more aware of how I communicate and lead, and how it affects others at work and at home. Thanks.” (CEO, large nonprofit organization)
- “The Retreat was an eye-opener. I learned some tough things about myself but more importantly about how to better communicate with my team. We should do this again… but not too soon!” (CEO, Mid-size Manufacturing/Service Company)
- “How did you do that? Thank you for giving us the shovel to dig ourselves out of the mess we had made.” (Family Member, Privately Held Company)
- ” It was very nice meeting my inner Fix-It Man. Thanks.” (School Administrator/Principals’ Forum Member)
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